Every aspect of your life is anchored energetically somewhere in your living space. Find out where these Feng Shui corners are and you will see what could be working better in your life. Do you have dead flowers in your Relationship corner? Maybe it's time to move on. If you have cracked or dirty windows in your Fame corner this could explain why you aren't receiving the recognition you deserve. And if your Wealth corner is sharing space with the bathroom you can only guess where your finances are headed.In this book you will learn what Feng Shui really is and how you can: -Discover where every aspect of your life is anchored energetically in your home-Make changes to your home that will attract what you want to see more of in your life-Sell your home faster and at a higher price when you decide to move-Choose the environment that will support you when buying or renting a place to live-Remove any negative energy in your environmentWhen clients ask me, where do I start; I ask them; where are you stuck? The answer will be the same for both questions. In this book you will learn how to evaluate your living space and learn what you can do to make it more supportive. A separate section of this book will then guide you through the steps of a Space Clearing ritual and Home Blessing ceremony so you can start with a clean slate making easy to apply the Feng Shui cures and remedies that will be explained to you in terms you can understand.Feng Shui is not superstition, religion or philosophy; it is the art and science of living in harmony with nature. When you have balance and harmony in your life, you will find it easy to attract the health, wealth and happiness you deserve. If you would like to take charge of the direction your life is heading, you can discover how to apply the power of Feng Shui to those aspects of your life you would like to enhance.