CYBERSTEALTH PILOTS. THE BEST OF THE BREED. THE ONLY PROBLEM: ONE's A TRAITOR... Cargo's a down-and-dirty street kid with a crash-and-burn future -- until the Bishop offers him a shot at the stars. A chance to fly a batwing, the ultimate in stealth technology. A ship as much at home at sea level as in deepest space, it is the deadliest flying machine mankind's ever created. Cargo's the pilot; the alien Ghoster, his eyes. They're the elite, a top-gun team fusing their skills and talents with a machine that knows no limits. It's the dream of a lifetime. But street rules apply to the stars as well-and even ace jobs don't come free. First, there's a war to be fought. Then, the death of a friend closer than a brother. And someone in Cargo's squadron is a spy... one who's leaking stealth technology to the enemy. CYBERSTEALTH... it has its costs.
- | Author: S. N. Lewitt
- | Publisher: Fantastic Books
- | Publication Date: Aug 31, 2018
- | Number of Pages: 210 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback/Fiction
- | ISBN-10: 151542376X
- | ISBN-13: 9781515423768
- Author:
- S. N. Lewitt
- Publisher:
- Fantastic Books
- Publication Date:
- Aug 31, 2018
- Number of pages:
- 210 pages
- Language:
- English
- Binding:
- Paperback/Fiction
- ISBN-10:
- 151542376X
- ISBN-13:
- 9781515423768