This book was written to be of assistance to those receiving the shattering news of a loved one entering or already in the throes of Alzheimer's. When the sad reality of my husband's diagnosis was confirmed, I searched for a book to help me in the day-to-day routine to just get by. I found books with reams of statistics and warnings of terminal certainty but nothing helpful for coping on a daily basis. I'm sharing here a few of the coping mechanisms that were helpful to me. Each caregiver will experience obstacles unique to their loved one. Hopefully, some of my techniques will be of help on this sad journey. There are over five million people in the U.S. currently living with Alzheimer's. That number is expected to more than double by 2050. This is a very scary statistic indeed. There is a small measure of comfort in knowing you are not alone. My hope is that this book will also give a measure of comfort.