Power and politics in the East Asian transition -- Domestic politics and nationalism in East Asian security / Randall L. Schweller -- U.S.-China relations: from unipolar hedging toward bipolar balancing / Oystein Tunsjo -- Perception, misperception and sensitivity: Chinese economic power and preferences after the financial crisis / Daniel W. Drezner -- Two Asias? China's rise, dual structure and the alliance system in East Asia / Wang Dong -- Japan and South Korea and the rise of China: national security and nationalism -- Protecting the status quo: Japan's response to the rise of China / Ian Bowers and Bjorn Elias Mikalsen Gronning -- Popular nationalism and economic interests in China's Japan policy / James Reilly -- China's rise and security dynamics on the Korean peninsula / Chung-In Moon -- Great power relations and regional conflict -- Threading the needle: the South China Sea disputes and U.S.-China relations / M. Taylor Fravel -- The United States and China in Northeast Asia: third-party coercion and alliance relations / Robert S. Ross -- East Asia at the center: power shifts and theory / Oystein Tunsjo.
| Author: Robert S. Ross|Øystein Tunsjø, Øystein Tunsjø