We all have this inner feeling that we should become someone or do something of great significance. We often times hear people say, "You are so good at doing..." Sadly we struggle with allowing this positive trait within ourselves to fully develop. Knowing But Not Becoming relates to spiritual attributes and skills which are not properly developed within you. You know who you are but you struggle with such manifestation. You possess very good skills but they are not properly developed. This book was written to assist you in becoming who you know you are spiritually. The purpose of this book is to motivate you to embrace your metamorphosis and become that image of who you are in Christ. It is time for you to be a joint heir in Christ Jesus. It is time for you to become all that you were created to be in the earth. It is time for you to become the head and not tail. It is time for you to become the lender and not the borrower. It is time for you know and become a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a child of the Most High God with all of its benefits. Know and become who you are in Christ Jesus and embrace your metamorphosis.