Open the Eyes of My Heart: Embracing the Joys of Everyday Miracles tells the story of the authors life, beginning with her experiencewhen she was only three years oldof surviving a life-threatening accident and living to tell others about her encounter with Jesus. This incident shaped her faith and led her down the path of sharing with others the changes she felt in her life because of the grace of God. The author, Jodie M. Chappuis, writes her account so that readers can hear her talking to them directly. Reading the story of her life in Open the Eyes of My Heart brings her voice to life in the same way that her students in confirmation classes or her clients sitting in their chairs as she works on styling their hair have experienced her gift for telling the story of her life. Open the Eyes of My Heart: Embracing the Joys of Everyday Miracles begins with one little girls life-extending encounter with Jesus and then tells how his grace touches daily life in joyous and miraculous ways.