About 12,500 years ago, an apocalyptic event struck Earth. A nearby supergiant planet, bigger than our sun, exploded with a catastrophic, supernova outburst. One of the huge fragments rampaged through the Earths celestial ramparts and, in due course, the blazing rock exploded over the thick ice sheet in the Pacific, shearing off this vast land that eventually submerged. The unprecedented high-intensity seismic waves shook the entire planet, leading to the terrible Global Deluge. This is a story where mainstream scientific observations and ancient religious texts and myths harmonize! The Siblings From The Sun is a thoroughly unique and gripping novelbased on science but filled with romance, adventure, and the horrors of nuclear waras a small group of intrepid young adventurers fled from their moribund world, and seek a new habitable world
- | Author: Elbert Vergara Badon and Elizabeth Vergara Badon
- | Publisher: Outskirts Press
- | Publication Date: Jan 11, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 586 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1478792485
- | ISBN-13: 9781478792482