This literary companion surveys the young adult works of American author Marion Zimmer Bradley, primarily known for her work in the fantasy genre. An A to Z arrangement includes coverage of novels (The Catch Trap, Survey Ship, The Fall of Atlantis, The Firebrand, The Forest House and The Mists of Avalon), the graphic narrative Warrior Woman, the Lythande novella The Gratitude of Kings, and, from the Darkover series, The Shattered Chain, The Sword of Aldones and Traitor's Sun. Separate entries on dominant themes--rape, divination, religion, violence, womanhood, adaptation and dreams--comb stories and longer works for the author's insights about the motivation of institutions that oppress marginalized groups, especially women.
- | Author: Mary Ellen Snodgrass
- | Publisher: McFarland
- | Publication Date: August 27, 2020
- | Number of Pages: 305 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1476679525
- | ISBN-13: 9781476679525