Double Blind follows three close friends and their circle through a year of extraordinary transformation. Set in London, Cap d'Antibes, Big Sur, and a rewilded corner of Sussex, this thrilling, ambitious novel is about the headlong pursuit of knowledgefor the purposes of pleasure, revelation, money, sanity, or survivaland the consequences of fleeing from what we know about others and ourselves. When Olivia meets a new lover just as she is welcoming her best friend, Lucy, back from New York, her dedicated academic life expands precipitously. Her connection to Francis, a committed naturalist living off the grid, is immediate and startling. Eager to involve Lucy in her joy, Olivia introduces the twobut Lucy has received shocking news of her own that binds the trio unusually close. Over the months that follow, Lucys boss, Hunter, Olivias psychoanalyst parents, and a young man named Sebastian are pulled into the friends orbit, and not one of them will emerge unchanged. Expansive, playful, and compassionate, Edward St. Aubyn's Double Blind investigates themes of inheritance, determinism, freedom, consciousness, and the stories we tell about ourselves. It is as compelling about ecology, psychoanalysis, genetics, and neuroscience as it is about love, fear, and courage. Most of all, it is a perfect expression of the interconnections it sets out to examine, and a moving evocation of an imagined world that is deeply intelligent, often tender, curious, and very much alive.
- | Author: Edward St. Aubyn
- | Publisher: Picador Paper
- | Publication Date: May 31, 2022
- | Number of Pages: 256 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback/Fiction
- | ISBN-10: 1250849411
- | ISBN-13: 9781250849410