Today-we need our worship life rebuilt in our hearts. We need to take in daily the "Word of God" and minister back to God. We need to welcome the Holy Spirit into our hearts in "Praise and Worship" and come together in "Songs and Instruments"-with one voice. God does not change; He was active in the lives of the people in the Old Testament and New Testament. He wants to show-up in our worship services, and in our personal worship. Let us come back to our "First Love"-Jesus Christ should always be "first-place." We cannot let the world push us back from "Worshiping God" with all our hearts. We should continue to rebuild our worship to God-Jesus is coming back soon.I pray that all the lyrics in this book will be a blessing to your families and congregations. Let us welcome the Holy Spirit into our "Praise and Worship" and He will lead us into "Spontaneous Worship." To God-we give all the Glory!