How To Repair Your Credit: Overcome Credit Card Debt Forever And Delete Bad Credit Fast By Using Federal Law And Loopholes (Section 609) - Learn How To Protect Your Financial Freedom (Credit Repair)

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??BONUS?? Buy a paperback copy of this book NOW and the Kindle version will be available to you Absolutely FREE You hear your ringtone go off on your cell phone. You look and notice this is another number you do not recognize, so you allow it to go to voicemail. A couple of minutes later, you check the message the person left only to find out it was another bill collector. You then block the number, but not because you don't want to talk to the collector, but because you want to catch up on your bills and you don't have the money to pay off all of your credit cards. This is a common story for people all over the world. Some have taken out too many credit cards or they have maxed them out and are now struggling to make the minimum payments. It isn't that they don't want to make the payments but that they simply cannot afford them. If this story sounds familiar to you, then this is a book you most certainly need to read. This book is going to help you get through your credit card debt and learn how you can gain financial freedom. It will be your guide to help you find federal laws and loopholes to help you erase your credit card debt. Throughout your journey of reading, you will learn the steps you can take to improve your credit without the years of struggling. By the end, you will be able to gain the financial freedom you deserve. Furthermore, you will be able to hold onto this precious freedom for the rest of your life. How to Repair Your Credit will accomplish these goals through seven chapters. The first chapter is going to place you in the situation of finding yourself in bad credit. You will learn how you can truly tell if you have bad credit, when you should worry, and the many reasons for which you can find yourself with bad credit. You will learn what bad credit is and how you can start to gain the right mindset, which will allow you to pay off your credit card payments. You will learn about federal laws which focus on credit cards and a special loophole that is known as section 609, which provides you with a trick to help you erase any negative information on your credit report. This book will also help you with the dispute letter that is attached to section 609 by providing you with various tips so you can create the absolute best letter possible. Finally, you will learn about financial freedom and how you can gain and maintain this freedom. Take a moment to imagine your financial freedom. After almost four years, you have paid off all of your credit card debt. While your credit history will remain on your credit report until the seven years are over, you have noticed that your credit score is increasing. You have noticed that you are less stressed, and you no longer ignore your phone when a number you do not recognize is calling. You are living comfortably and growing your savings. You have finally reached the ultimate financial freedom. Would you like to know more? Download now to stop worrying, deal with anxiety and reach financial freedom. Scroll to the top of the page and select the buy now button.

  • | Author: John Score, Benjamin Harris
  • | Publisher: Independently Published
  • | Publication Date: Jul 16, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 79 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1097962296
  • | ISBN-13: 9781097962297
John Score, Benjamin Harris
Independently Published
Publication Date:
Jul 16, 2019
Number of pages:
79 pages