Occult Science

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It is a fact that Humanity finds itself at a crucial period of its existence. This, dueto a number of reasons, among then the astrological changes brought forth by achange of cycle the planet has entered, where different cosmic influences havebegun to impinge over it through the poles, following principles and laws dictatedby universal magnetism.The so called planetary "axis" has an inclination of 23,5 degrees, but this positionis not fixed, but variable. The planet's dynamic has three movements. The fist oneis its orbital displacement; the second is its gyration, moving at a speed of 18.5miles per second; and the third one is the progressive inclination of the axis, sogradual, that cannot be perceived either by the human eye or any technologicalcontraption utilized to measure it.Moreover, the axis gyration of the polar "axis" is not even. It has a wobblingmovement such as the one of a top when it loses speed, gradually describing acircle in space. Consequently, it goes along pointing at a number of differentgalaxies representing a variety of energies that affect our planet and everythingthat lives in it. At present, the axis is leaving its position at a galaxy in Pisces andentering one in Aquarius, both signs encompassing entirely different energies.The impact of the Aquarian influence is bringing about marked changes overeverything that lives on the planet, especially in that which is organic. Theconsiderable changes being observed in human consciousness and its cultural andspiritual tendencies, both globally and individually, during the last two Centuries, will confirm it.The object of this book is to inform and explain the ideas Theosophy offers inrelation with the challenges we face in our time. The key to justify humanexistence resides in its only motive: the unfolding of Divine Consciousness thatlies in seed inside within every human being. The text has no claim in terms ofbeing the last word on this. All it does is bring information concerning the lawsand parameters that rule our evolutionary process, in the hope it may be useful.

  • | Author: Enrique Renard
  • | Publisher: Independently Published
  • | Publication Date: Jun 05, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 144 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1096824116
  • | ISBN-13: 9781096824114
Enrique Renard
Independently Published
Publication Date:
Jun 05, 2019
Number of pages:
144 pages