As the wonder of the universe unfolds around humanity, each season calls our memories, our astonishment at what we see and feel around us, and the renewal of a chance for new experience. The beauty of our physical environment and of our experiences is to be savored and shared through our expressions to self and others. The natural world serves to reflect our human joy, suffering, and wonder, as we express through poetry and visual artistry. Through photography and poetry, this book seeks to capture the physical, emotional, and spiritual essences that we share through our natural world. Immerse yourself, as the poetry and visual artistry seek to share our collective journey. Whitespaces intentionally available near photographs to provide opportunities to call upon your similar and same experiences as the universe leads the way into its eternal mystery.
- | Author: Dora J Moscatello, Janine E Janosky
- | Publisher: Independently Published
- | Publication Date: Apr 22, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 25 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1095542354
- | ISBN-13: 9781095542354