The intensity and beauty of language express the sensibility and feelings of love.Noah Von Armstrong, Poet"The musicality of the poems contained within this book convey strong messages and create vivid images in one's mind as you read them. Chapter by chapter, the reader will find themselves thinking of someone or some experience that this poet's verses embody with words alone on each page. "Emmer Antoine - Poet and SingerLove is more important in the world we live in today. Love is still a vital part of any relationship. Love languages are different for different individuals and how you find it is exemplified in her writings. To give love and receive unconditional love is given to all. How it is displayed and received is by examples. Their is no greater example than from the Most High. All of which is shared in this amazing book of a journey told firsthand of 90 years. This book will bless many lives as it is read from a different perspective. It should be in libraries around the world; as it is more than a book of just poems and poetry.Robert Brock Success in Life Ministries