With ?v?r? ????ing day, m?r? ?nd m?r? ??m??ni?? ?r? turning towards the diff?r?nt methodologies ?f Agile d?v?l??m?nt.This is h?l?ing th? bu?in??? ???t?r t? b? m?r? r????n?iv? t? the present day div?r?? m?rk?t ?h?ng??. At it? ??r?, Agil? Development in?lud?? software d?v?l??m?nt m?th?d?l?gi?? that u?? thi? flexible ??n???t. C?n?t?nt revision ?f deadlines and ?x???t?ti?n? is k?? to th? Agile process. Not ?nl? is Agil? helpful in the growth ?nd expansion of a ??m??n? but it i? ??u?ll? ?ff??tiv? in ?r??ting gr??t w?rking r?l?ti?n?hi?? ?m?ng ?ll th? members of a gr?u?. Agil? in?r????? ?h?r?d accountability; k??? ?r?j??t? m?r? f??u??d ?n th? l?t??t market and ?u?t?m?r needs while improving th? ??m??n?'? m?rk?t ???iti?ning. In order t? b? a good product m?n?g?r, it is very im??rt?nt t? h?v? ?uffi?i?nt kn?wl?dg? ?b?ut th? diff?r?nt m?th?d?l?gi?? of Agile Product Development. This GUIDE will help you discover: -Th? Main ?rin?i?l?? of ?gil? M?th?d?l?g? in Project Management -M?n? ?dv?nt?g?? to ?gil? Development over th? Traditional M?d?l? -Various Int?rm?di?t? ?r??????? Involved in Agil? Pr?j??t M?n?g?m?nt: -C??t Reduction Strategies with Agile M?th?d?l?g? -M?nif??t? points f?r Agile Software D?v?l??m?nt -Concepts of Agil? D?v?l??m?nt in a Globally Distributed T??m -Effective ways of maximizing th? v?lu? ?f fun?ti?n?l t??ting in ?n Agil? envir?nm?nt -Issue M?n?g?m?nt ?nd Tr??king With ?gil? Project M?n?g?m?nt T??l? -And lots more.........R?th?r th?n th? tr?diti?n?l (?r "?ld ??h??l") methods of m?n?ging a project, wh?r? wh?t was d?n? ??uld n?t b? und?n?, Agil? takes a ??n?t?nt look ?t th? scope ?nd ?b?t??l?? a ??ftw?r? im?l?m?nt?ti?n has and b?nd? t? ????mm?d?t? it in a reasonable m?nn?r. Pur? Agile ?r??ti??? f??u? ?n ?n?uring th? quality fr?m a u??r'? ??r????tiv? ?nd this requires testing to be inv?lv?d right fr?m ??t?bli?hing the ????? of th? ?r?j??t. M?r? and m?r? companies are turning t? this ???t?m that u??? ??n?t?nt feedback ?nd i? ?d??tiv? t? th? ?h?nging tides ?f a giv?n project. Gr?b a ???? right away!
- | Author: Jym Lawrence
- | Publisher: Independently Published
- | Publication Date: Aug 06, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 123 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1088613039
- | ISBN-13: 9781088613030