Voices In The Wilderness: Understanding The Nature And Authority Of The True Prophets Of God - 9781088150610

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Voices in the Wilderness explores the office and calling of prophets from a biblical perspective which tends to contradict the modern fascination with the prophetic office. Prophets were held in high esteem prior to the coming of The Christ and throughout the Old Testament yet seemed almost dismissed in the New Testament Church. The prophetic calling is one not to be taken lightly as it wields the divine authority, an authority which comes with consequences when not received, and also when not proclaimed divinely. Unfortunately, it seems to have become reduced to just another modern day church fad as people so loosely bear self-proclaimed titles as prophets yet yield no true prophetic fruit and bear no mantle of spiritual authority. In this season, we must know who are the true prophets among us and uncover the varying layers of the prophetic office. Voices in the Wilderness seeks to engage readers provoking critical thought and introspection for those seeking the office of a prophet. I don't believe people truly understand the sacrifices and the commitment which accompany this undertaking. Prophetic ministry, when anointed and appointed by God, is a life demanding work and labor of love and justice. Individuals possess no authority to call themselves or others to the work of prophesy. People cannot authentically choose the prophetic work, the office chooses the prophet. Much goes into the fulfillment of the office of a prophet of God, and much is required by God of the prophet.

  • | Author: Kenyatta R Arnette
  • | Publisher: Kenyatta Arnette
  • | Publication Date: May 20, 2023
  • | Number of Pages: 138 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1088150616
  • | ISBN-13: 9781088150610
Kenyatta R Arnette
Kenyatta Arnette
Publication Date:
May 20, 2023
Number of pages:
138 pages