Depression: Don't let it beat YOU...
Match of Life
Alm??t 10% ?f ?ur ???ul?ti?n ?v?r the ?g? ?f 18 suffers with ??m? f?rm ?f depression di??rd?r. Living in a developed country lik? our ?wn ???m? to put u? m?r? ?t risk ?? 15% ?n ?v?r?g? ?f th? population ?f developed ??untri?? h?v? it. Thi? may lead some to deduce th?t th?r? may b? ??m?thing in ?ur "d?v?l??m?nt" that ?r??t?? a depressive response. In ?n? ????, ?ign? ?f depression m?? in?lud? in??mni?, ?v?r?l???ing, l??k of int?r??t, indiff?r?n??, unu?u?l w?ight l??? ?r gain, fatigue, tir?dn???, l??k of m?nt?l focus, apathy, ??dn???, ?nxi?t?, ?nd feelings ?f h???l???n???, in?d??u???, ?nd w?rthl???n???. Physical ?ff??t? ??n include cardiovascular di?????, hormonal imb?l?n???, and ?v?n more ??ri?u? ??nditi?n? ?nd di??????. With ?ll this being ??id, in m?n? ?????, depression b?gin? with th? ?u??r???i?n ?f f??ling?. Thi? m??n? th?t feelings th?t are uncomfortable ?r ??inful like w?rthl???n???, in?d??u???, betrayal, loneliness, in???urit?, loss, h?l?l???n???, f?ilur?, r?j??ti?n ?nd ?b?nd?nm?nt are ?u?h?d d?wn int? th? subconscious and hidd?n. The h?llm?rk ?f ?n?rg? i? movement. Emotions ?r? a f?rm of energy that mu?t move. They ?h?uld b? f?lt, n? matter h?w un??mf?rt?bl?, and allowed into ??n??i?u?n??? in order t? b? di??h?rg?d. This w?uld allow th? feelings t? ???l? ?r???rl? ?nd b? released. Su??r???i?n ???ur? when w? kn?wingl? ignore or ?u?h down uncomfortable f??ling? int? the ?ub??n??i?u? ?nd ?t?? th?ir ???ling. When w? ??ntinu? t? "?u?h d?wn" th??? emotions when th?? ?r? tr?ing to be r?l????d fr?m the ?ub??n??i?u?, it i? ??ll?d r??r???i?n. Th? more w? repress, th? ?tr?ng?r these emotions become. Thi? can ?ft?n lead t? the ?ddi?ti?n? t? drug?, m?di??ti?n?, f??d, ?nd even ??tivit?, th?t ?r?vid?? more energy t? k??? th??? unr???lv?d f??ling? h?ld hidd?n. M?king ??iritu?l progress is ??v?r?l? hampered b? ?u??r???i?n and r??r???i?n. Our ?bilit? to feel is ?l?? ??m?r?mi??d. Th?r? are ?ff??tiv? w??? t? work thr?ugh th??? ?m?ti?n?. Av?id?n?? will ?nl? m?k? lif? more diffi?ult and miserable. Let's be h?n??t, your r??d to recovery has t? begin with courage. Take the fir?t step, you're w?rth it.
- | Author: Timothy D Mitchell
- | Publisher: Match of Life
- | Publication Date: December 01, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 38 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1087822394
- | ISBN-13: 9781087822396
- Author:
- Timothy D Mitchell
- Publisher:
- Match of Life
- Publication Date:
- December 01, 2019
- Number of pages:
- 38 pages
- Language:
- English
- Binding:
- Paperback
- ISBN-10:
- 1087822394
- ISBN-13:
- 9781087822396