Cunning Canines Greyscale Colouring Book: Bobcat Colouring Books For Charity Is Proud To Present This 30-Page Greyscale Colouring Book For Dog Lovers Worldwide
Cunning Canines Greyscale Colouring Book: Bobcat Colouring Books For Charity Is Proud To Present This 30-Page Greyscale Colouring Book For Dog Lovers Worldwide
Bobcat Colouring Books for Charity is proud to present this 30-page greyscale book for Dog lovers worldwide.Dogs and puppies have a way of bringing out our inner child, and there are many hours of fun to be had when spent playing with or even just being in the company of a Dog.Cunning Canines is the second book in the Bobcat stable of which the proceeds (after expenses) will be donated to no kill animal sanctuaries in South Africa, who are in desperate need of funds.Images for this book were compiled by Carol Meikle. Greyscale designs by Kimberly Hawthorne