There is climate change in this world. A climate crisis. The entire Earth is affected and some places worse than others. What about the Mississippi River flooding? It was bad this year and may be worse next year and every year from now on unless we make major changes in our abuse of the planet. Rain, rain, and more rain. And it is still going on. Some parts of the Earth are affected by extreme heat and droughts. Severe weather like hurricanes. Melting of our polar ice caps. The high water in the Mississippi River also affects the Delta where it enters the Gulf of Mexico. This area was where fish and shrimp had their young, but this year it is not happening because of the high water in the Mississippi. I am proposing a plan here to avoid the Mississippi flooding.The idea is to get the excess water out of the Mississippi basin and send it to where it is desperately needed out West. We could dig a huge canal for thousands of miles and spend many billions of dollars or it would be much easier to reverse the flow of some rivers flowing into the Mississippi, for instance the Arkansas River, and cause that water to flow west instead. The Arkansas River joins with the Canadian River and could flow through Oklahoma where the water is needed and at present the Canadian River is almost dry in some places.From there, the water could be routed into New Mexico and even Arizona through some of the nearly dry river beds. The water could be used for agricultural purposes and human consumption and for nature and wildlife. Bring the desert to life with the water from the Mississippi that otherwise is causing massive destruction from flooding almost every year. The key is the reversal of the water flow in the rivers. An example of flow reversal is the Chicago River that was reversed to carry sewage away from Lake Michigan. It can be done and large amounts of water can be routed to the West where it is needed.
- | Author: Acie Cargill
- | Publisher: Independently Published
- | Publication Date: Jul 16, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 26 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1080856021
- | ISBN-13: 9781080856022