Fasting Diet For Beginners: Keto Diet And Intermittent Fasting

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Want to know the benefits of keto diet and intermittent fasting? Do you want to gain confidence in yourself? Are you unhappy about your physical appearance, low energy and / or annoying mood swings? Have you tested different diets without success? If you are ready to transform yourself through a healthier diet and lifestyle, STOP! look no further. THIS IS THE RIGHT BOOK FOR YOU !!!!! DO IT NOW !! Buy this book now and learn to have a healthy and successful life. Imagine finding your friends who envy your appearance in the street. Fasting Diet for Beginners During the development of the understanding of the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting, the book provides a detailed account of what a keto approach is. Combines the two popular health approaches into one and guarantees active health and metabolism. The Objectives of this book - Includes intermittent fasting for accelerated results - The origin of the ketogenic diet - The science behind the ketogenic diet - Includes a workout plan during the diet - Other tricks to lose weight! - You will learn the deepest secrets of how fasting and why it is so good for your health. - Instructions on how to build an effective eating plan that will keep your body in a balanced state. - Strategies to develop a strong mindset to support your journey. What's Inside This Book? INTRODUCTION CHAPTEER ONE What Is Ketogenic Diet Diff?r?nt t???? ?f k?t?g?ni? di?t? K?t?g?ni? di?t? ??n h?l? ??u l??? w?ight K?t?g?ni? di?t? f?r di?b?t?? ?nd ?r?di?b?t?? CHAPTER TWO K?t?g?ni? Feeding ?l?n F?r 1 W??k R?m?di?? f?r K?t? Di?t C?n?ti??ti?n Pr???uti?n? Wh?n a K?t?g?ni? Di?t i? f?ll?w?d CHAPTER THREE Intermittent Fasting B?n?fit? ?f int?rmitt?nt f??ting for Health Th? m?th?d ?f int?rmitt?nt f??ting t? l??? w?ight ?ui?kl? Adv?nt?g?? ?f Int?rmitt?nt F??ting S?i?n?? B?hind Int?rmitt?nt F??ting CHAPTER FOUR M?int?ining A L?w ??rb High-F?t Di?t B?n?fit? ?nd Ri?k? ?f a L?w C?rb?h?dr?t? Di?t Th? Diff?r?n?? B?tw??n L?w Di?t? in C?rb?h?dr?t?? High-F?t C?nt?nt v?. High Pr?t?in CHAPTER FIVE Keto diet and intermittent fasting Wh? K?t? I? M?r? Eff??tiv? With Int?rmitt?nt F??ting M?nt?l tri?k? t? ??t h??lthi?r ?nd l??? w?ight CHAPTER SIX W?rk?ut? T? L??? W?ight ?nd T?rg?t Stubb?rn F?t H?w t? D?t??t K?t??i? CHAPTER SEVEN Autophagy As A Natural Detoxification Process Of The Body CHAPTER EIGHT H?w T? ??unt M??r?? In ??ur Di?t CHAPTER NINE K?t? Di?t F??d Li?t Ov?rvi?w ?f th? K?t? Di?t Pl?n B??t K?t? F??d? K?t? F??d? to Limit - E?t Onl? O????i?n?ll? CHAPTER TEN K?t? R??i??? - High In H??lth? F?t? + L?w In C?rb? CONCLUSION

  • | Author: Alex Collins, Nicolas Richards
  • | Publisher: Independently published
  • | Publication Date: Jul 11, 2019
  • | Number of Pages: 142 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 1079929495
  • | ISBN-13: 9781079929492
Alex Collins, Nicolas Richards
Independently published
Publication Date:
Jul 11, 2019
Number of pages:
142 pages