Y?ur ?wn r???lut??n to ?u????? i? m?r? important th?n ?n? other ?n? th?ng. - Abr?h?m L?n??ln I h?v? always b??n f???in?t?d with wh?t m?k?? ????l? t??k! Wh? ?n? m?n?g?r / l??d?r, ???m? t? keep th? t??m humming ?nd ?n tr??k, wh?l?t ?n?th?r ???m? t? d?m?r?l??? ?nd d?r?il ?t. Wh?l?t P?r??n?l?t? ?nd ??r??n?l preferences ??n heavily ?nflu?n?? m?t?v?t??n ?nd ?rg?n???t??n?l gr?wth, ?nt?nt??n?l ?tr?t?gi?? ?nd w?rk?l??? ?ultur? is th? k?? t? l?ng-t?rm, ?u?t??n?bl? gr?wth ?n t??m?. Th?r? ?? n? "?n? ?iz? f?t? ?ll" when m?t?v?t?ng ?nd?v?du?l?. Wh?t I d??m ?? a m?t?v?t?ng influence, m?? not b? ?m??rt?nt t? ??u; h?w?v?r, w? ?ll r??u?r? ??m? l?v?l ?f m?t?v?t??n. Ev?n highl? m?t?v?t?d ????l? n??d ?t?mulu? ?l?ng th? j?urn??. Wh?t ?nd h?w t? provide th?t ?t?mulu?, d???nd? ?n h?ving m?r? than a working kn?wl?dg? ?f ??ur people. G??d l??d?r? h?v? a g?nu?n? ?nt?r??t in ???h m?mb?r ?f th? team, ?nd ?r?vid? t??l?r-m?d? m?t?v?t??n ??n???t?nt with ???h ?n?? n??d? ?nd d??ir??. On? ?f th? b??t th?ng? ??u ??n d? f?r ??ur??lf ?n ??ur j?urn?? ?f ??lf-di???v?r? ?? t? w?rk ?ut wh?t dr?v?? ??u. Th? f?r?t ?t?? ?? t? ?d?nt?f? ??ur v?lu?? ?? th?? ?r?vid? th? fu?l f?r ??ur m?tiv?ti?n ?nd th? dr?v? b?hind ?v?r?th?ng ??u d? ?n l?f?. If ??u value ??m?thing ??u will ?lw??? find th? m?t?v?t??n ?nd ?n?rg? t? d? it. If ??u d?n't value ??m?thing, ??u will ?lw??? ?truggl? t? find th? m?t?v?t??n ?nd ?n?rg? t? d? ?t. Thi? b??k ??nt??n? ?ll th? ingr?di?nt? ??u n??d t? f?rt?f? ??ur??lf ?n th?? j?urn??, I w??h w? ??uld ?ll ?t?? m?tiv?t?d f?r?v?r but th?t'? n?t possible ?? anytime ??u ?r? f??ling l?w m?k? this b??k ??ur ??m??n??n!
- | Author: Joseph Jackson
- | Publisher: Independently published
- | Publication Date: Jun 29, 2019
- | Number of Pages: 95 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 1076986641
- | ISBN-13: 9781076986641