Lost In Grey Space is a must read for those struggling to implement transformational change inside their organisation. The complexity of organisations creates an opaque fog that hides talent and damages performance. This book provides a unique perspective on why the formal structures are not only anti-systemic they also contradict the very nature of social systems. It challenges modern paradigms such as personal performance appraisals and the contemporary obsession with methodologies and tools; all of which it describes as generators of grey space - the areas inside organisations that are invisible to the management and the leadership. With a little humour thrown in for good measure, it examines a particular type of modern manager that overly rely on experts. It provides a practical guide for studying the organisation as a system and promotes the need to challenge those unquestioned assumptions and policies that act as constraints, preventing change from taking hold. The implications of the digital generation without a social systems perspective is one that will fail to achieve systemic transformation. Understanding how and why the organisation performs the way it does is vital not just for improvement but for survival.