In the final installment of the Eden's Court Saga, Earth is on a countdown to self-destruction. Rachel Reih, the unlikely new ruler of the world's supernatural species, (angels, demons, dragons, faeries, vampires, shapeshifters and witches) races to solve the mystery behind saving the planet. Magic is disappearing and natural disasters are rampaging across the globe. Suicidal dragons, psychotic faerie queens, mad alien goddesses, infertile witches, vampires targeted for mass exterminations, and angel-demon guerilla warfare have not improved the situation. And now that Rachel's stumbled upon a species of nulls, immune to magic and dangerous to all magic users, can she put the pieces of the puzzle together in time for Eden's Court to survive? Separated from her closest advisor, ex-lover Gabriel, she struggles to build the alliances needed to find a solution and convince the supernatural world to end its warring and unite.
- | Author: Michelle Picard
- | Publisher: Michelle Pressma
- | Publication Date: Apr 22, 2017
- | Number of Pages: 448 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 0998783544
- | ISBN-13: 9780998783543