This the ultimate tale of God's intention toward humanity, a tale unlike any you have ever read before, one that reveals a startling proof of God's control over history and His faithfulness to His every word of promise. In fact, it is a story seen through the prism of five things, five sacred things--the Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of Destiny, the Shroud of Turin, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and the Septuagint Bible. In the process of telling this tale, we encounter several more things along the way, among them, an ancient prophecy, a promise of "days," which precisely foretold the Advent of Christ, recorded in the oldest story contained in the biblical record. And we meet the one man who was commissioned to tell this awesome tale, a man set apart from all others, a man who was said to have talked with God, face to face, having a conversation that took place not in any earthly sphere but at the very pinnacle of Heaven itself. All these elements, then, that is to say, everything needed to demonstrate a startling proof of God's control and faithfulness, have, for the first time, been forged into a single storyline--a promise of "days," a man and his heavenly conversation, an ark, a spear, a shroud, and a pyramid, all brought together to tell the "Tales of Forever: The Unfolding Drama of God's Hidden Hand in History."
- | Author: W. Kent Smith
- | Publisher: Lodestar Cinema Creations
- | Publication Date: Sep 01, 2016
- | Number of Pages: 576 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 0967586925
- | ISBN-13: 9780967586922