Cover -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Prologue: Conversations with Wawakapewin Elder Simon Frogg -- Introduction: Food Security in Rural Indigenous Communities -- Chapter 1: What Happened to Indigenous Food Sovereignty in Northeren Ontario?: Imposed Political, Economic, Socio-Ecological, and Cultural Changes -- Chapter 2: Understanding the Legacy of Colonial Contact from a Physiological Perspective: Nutrition Transitions and the Rise of Dietary Disease in Northern Indigenous Peoples -- Chapter 3: Collaborative Responses to Rebuilding Local Food Autonomy in Three Indigenous Communities in Northwestern Ontario -- Chapter 4: Traversing the Terrain of Indigenous Land-Based Education: Connecting Theory to Program Implementation -- Chapter 5: Pimatisiwin: Women, Wellness, and Land-Based Practices for Omushkego Youth -- Conclusion: Restoring Local Food Systems: A Call to Action -- Contributors
| Author: Michael A. Robidoux, Courtney Wade Mason