Oh No-o-o-o-o, you say. "Do we really need another 'what happened' book?" It's a fair question. There have been several published since we first learned that Hillary Clinton and her team of writers were putting together a new memoir-one that promised an intimate view into her thoughts and emotions as she fought to save America from the likes of "you-know-who." Then after beating Bernie in the Democratic primary and winning the nomination, she had to face the tallest challenge of her political career: FBI Director James Comey. WHA' HOPPEN? is a politically incorrect look back at the 2016 presidential election, the campaigns that preceded it and the fallout that followed. No matter in which direction you lean politically, you will learn some things from this book that you never knew before. WHA' HOPPEN? is the expressed personal opinion of the author-based upon her own research-presented in an edgy style and with just a touch of humor. WARNING: The election happened over a year ago. If you are still in a state of emotional distress over the results, you are probably NOT going to like this book.