Thirteen-year-old Celine Red Cloud's world is confined to the Compound, the tiny underground community that represents humanity's first foothold on Mars. There she lives with a hundred other colonists, including her parents. Celine's mother hates Mars and makes no secret of it. As for Mr. Red Cloud, the Cherokee geologist left Earth to escape a past he'd rather forget. Living with one parent who'd give anything to leave Mars and one who sees the red planet as a new start causes some strain in Celine's homelife, but right now family tension is the last thing on her mind-her father has gone missing. Lost in a skin-scouring Martian sandstorm, Mr. Red Cloud is presumed dead by the little colony. Only Celine holds out hope he somehow survived. Together with Alex, a young clone desperate to gain his own father's approval, Celine sets out to hunt for her father among the gullies and canyons of Mars. To succeed, she's going to have to face local wildlife, a deadly environment, and every challenge Mars can throw at her. Lost in the Red Hills of Mars ties together family devotion, self-reliance, and survival in a rousing adventure story.
- | Author: Jackie Hunter
- | Publisher: Bayada Publishing House, Llc
- | Publication Date: Nov 19, 2017
- | Number of Pages: 289 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 0692922601
- | ISBN-13: 9780692922606