Magical Mea (The Magical Series)
Magical Book Works
Matthew's little sister Mea is a trickster. Mea got her magic when Matthew lost his. Matthew tries to guide Mea to use her magic for good. But the more Matthew tries to mentor Mea, the more she wants to "do it her way." Matthew worries Mea might get into trouble.
- | Author: Penelope Cole
- | Publisher: Magical Book Works
- | Publication Date: May 18, 2016
- | Number of Pages: 34 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 0692714170
- | ISBN-13: 9780692714171
- Author:
- Penelope Cole
- Publisher:
- Magical Book Works
- Publication Date:
- May 18, 2016
- Number of pages:
- 34 pages
- Language:
- English
- Binding:
- Paperback
- ISBN-10:
- 0692714170
- ISBN-13:
- 9780692714171