The Goal: Mastering the Art of Influence to Earn and Retain More Business Doing business in an environment that is increasingly digital and competitive means your approach to selling needs to evolve. You've noticed the way people buy has been evolving for some time. Has your approach to earning and retaining business gotten out in front of the changes in your space? (What would your prospects and customers say?) Do you or your sales team have the specific insights, strategies and practices that get real traction in this environment of information overload? Sales professionals who master the art of influence can truly become trusted advisors who develop ongoing profitable customer relationships that lead directly to more repeat and referral business. Discover the key insights and mindset needed to effectively influence prospects and customers. If you are a sales leader with a team that needs to turn the way you sell into a competitive advantage consider these three steps. These steps map the high level path to becoming competent and ultimately masterful at the art of positively influencing your customers and prospects. Step 1: Dramatically increase your focus and efforts on the value your prospects and customers actually care about. Link your outcomes to their agenda, priorities, expectations, preferences, needs and wants. Design and deliver an experience with you that positively changes the way they feel. Step 2: On every level manage anxiety and confidence (yours and the customers). A critical aspect of managing anxiety is making the complex simple and the difficult easy for them. Step 3: Most importantly make the invisible visible. Facilitating the shift from however they are currently seeing a situation, to a new perspective is where the magic happens. Humans make new choices only when they have a new perspective. If you potentially would like assistance with enhancing your sales team's effectiveness we would like to listen. A no obligation exploration of your situation starts by sending an email to: or call 813.989.9900 and we will take it from there.