Black and White version is $12.95. Full color version is $22.95. Off to Faraway Places initially focuses on Jennifer Augustine's early years and then moves on to give a candid account of her experiences while living and working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Australia. She traveled extensively to many Middle Eastern and Asian countries and includes stories about some of them in Off to Faraway Places. She took her camera almost everywhere, capturing life as she saw it, and shares many of those photos which bring her words to life. Especially captivating is the section of underwater photography. (Look for the full-color version of this book which really shows off Jennifer's photography, printed by Page Publishing and also available through Expats around the world, and those thinking of working outside the safe shores of their own country, will find Off to Faraway Places a thought-provoking study of working and traveling abroad...definitely not something for the faint-hearted.