This dynamic book that you have in your hands, entitled, ''Prayer That Changes Things'' I believe will be the most powerful tool that a believer can have and utilize in order to successfully triumph in every endeavor of life as it relates to prayer. For many, prayer is regarded as a strict mystical ritual that is passionately believed to be set aside, reserved and practiced religiously only for the godly devout Christian. While on the other hand this is by far undoubtedly untrue and illusory. This book is specifically designed to vividly show, to reveal, and truthfully examine closely through the Word of God that PRAYER is: P...Practicing R...Reaching and Relating TO The A...Almighty God Through Y...Yielding and E...Expecting R...Remarkable Results I encourage and admonish each of you to lay hold onto God's principles shown in each chapter which will both lead and guide you in obtaining true prosperity to having good success in every endeavor as it pertains to your prayer life.
- | Author: Beverly McBride
- | Publisher: Beverly P.Mcbride
- | Publication Date: May 07, 2015
- | Number of Pages: 190 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 0692446540
- | ISBN-13: 9780692446546