The Crossing Rite Of Passage From Boyhood To Manhood: Young Men's Manual

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Every boy's destiny is manhood. The Young Men's Manual will help boys arrive there. The Crossing Rite of Passage from Boyhood to Manhood trains boys to become Christian men of character and faith. The Young Men's Manual is a companion book to The Mentor's Manual for the fathers and mentors. Each father and mentor needs a copy of The Mentor's Manual, while each boy needs his own copy of the Young Men's Manual. Just as Major League Baseball players never start a new season without spring training-neither should boys. Yet most boys start their adult lives as men without a day of training on manhood. Boys need mentoring more than ever today to prepare them as men. They need training to build character qualities like commitment, responsibility, and self-control. Throughout time and throughout the world, rites of passage have transformed boys into men through training and ritual. Post-modern culture no longer offers this training. Boys are on their own today, and millions of them are drifting toward a shipwreck in their lives, relationships and future marriages. Boys are falling behind girls in education at every level. 42% of college and graduate students are male today. Boys are twice as likely to abuse alcohol, three times more likely to be drug addicts, and five times more likely to kill themselves. Pornography is one more addiction. With fatherlessness at epidemic levels, boys of every race and social level are more desperate than ever for belonging and guidance from older men. 85% of men in prison are fatherless sons. Their hurt, anger and lack of moral guidance put them behind bars-two million of them. If only they had been mentored and loved by older men. Prisons would be emptied in half. The fatherless cycle would also be broken. The Crossing Rite of Passage from Boyhood to Manhood: Young Men's Manual, includes most of the content of the Mentor's Manual, and more. Both Manuals include; A History of Male Rites of Passage, Six Lessons in Manhood, A Code of Honor, Good Deed Project, Your Role in God's Epic History, Outdoor Adventure Challenge, Initiation into Manhood Fire Ceremony, worksheets and reviews. Like the Jewish Bar Mitzvah, the ages for the boys' training can start at thirteen, but the training applies to all boys up to seventeen-any time before graduation from high school. While a father and son can read through these books together, a Mentor Team of five to seven fathers is recommended to train a small group of boys. Manhood is every boy's destiny. This training program will set them on course to get there.

  • | Author: Richard Rupp
  • | Publisher: Waypoint Books
  • | Publication Date: Jun 04, 2018
  • | Number of Pages: 122 pages
  • | Language: English
  • | Binding: Paperback
  • | ISBN-10: 0692134212
  • | ISBN-13: 9780692134214
Richard Rupp
Waypoint Books
Publication Date:
Jun 04, 2018
Number of pages:
122 pages