A Passport for Bun-Bun is a heartwarming story about a little girl, Anna, and her beloved stuffed bunny's journey moving overseas with her family. Anna and Bun-Bun must learn what it's like to pack up their belongings, say goodbye to friends and move to an unfamiliar place.The language is different, the food is different. Even the TV shows are different! And what starts to feel like a far away planet to Anna and Bun-Bun will soon become the home they grow to love.Kids preparing for a family move will love this sweet tale told from the perspective of Anna as she shares the ups and downs of being an expat kid. And making that first new friend.A Passport for Bun-Bun will allow kids experiencing a move abroad to connect their feelings with story events. And eventually learn to embrace the beauty and adventure that comes from owning a passport and living in a foreign country.