Sixteen-year-old Amber Marsden must fight for survival after a botched drug deal leaves her orphaned on the streets of Detroit. With nowhere to turn, Amber takes shelter among the ruins only to discover she's not alone in the dark...Set against the backdrop of a city in decline, The Handmaiden of Death is a fast-paced, darkly spellbinding foray into the human psyche that will captivate fans of the vampire genre seeking a story with a lot less 'sparkle' and a lot more bite.Written by Sarah Stafford, a Michigan native with lifelong ties to the Detroit area. Sarah earned her BA in History from Oakland University in Rochester Hills, Michigan, and has lived abroad and traveled throughout the US. Europe, and Asia. (less)
- | Author: Sarah Stafford
- | Publisher: Carpe Noctem Press
- | Publication Date: March 05, 2021
- | Number of Pages: 322 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 0578848740
- | ISBN-13: 9780578848747