This book is a must read for every pastor and church planter who want to go forward faster in his ministry. It is written specifically for christian ministers who are about to launch a new church or those who are looking for ways of reinventing their churches to break through growth limitations. The Method - The Master's Blueprint for Building a Healthy Ministry is a clear and deep study of the Jesus style of ministry. When Jesus called us into ministry, he did not only give us a message and a mandate, he also gave us a method. The reason why there is so much struggle for many ministers in ministry today is because they only took the Lord's message and mandate and forgot to learn his method. When we heed his words to "take my yoke upon you and LEARN OF ME", our yoke of ministry becomes easy and our burdens become light.The Method - The Master's Blueprint for Building a Healthy Ministry will help you plant better and grow bigger, healthier and faster. You are made for more.