Many young people enter social, business, non-profit, or other organizations without the skills they need to be effectiveàor help move the organization (and themselves) forward. Often they donÆt even know what the skills are. With Navigating in Organizations, youÆll learn tactics to navigate and help your organization meet its objectives while accomplishing your own goals. The book offers specifics on how to build personal and professional relationships; sell your ideas; effectively run meetings; impact meetings others are running; and six more critical how-to tactics. It includes 11 DonÆtsùactions counterproductive to your and the organizationÆs effectiveness, such as ôDonÆt take things personallyàbut assume everyone else does.ö The book also outlines 9 critical skills, such as public speaking and conflict management, and most chapters end with specific ôGet Startedö actions to implement the topicÆs principles, along with a list of helpful resources. Throughout the book the principles discussed are illustrated with Real-World Experiencesùshort vignettes from author Gary MooreÆs 50-plus-year career of ôgetting things doneö in organizations!
- | Author: Gary T. Moore
- | Publisher: Trent Press
- | Publication Date: Jan 07, 2016
- | Number of Pages: 150 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback/Business & Economics
- | ISBN-10: 0578173042
- | ISBN-13: 9780578173047