I wish we could live like there's no tomorrow and love like there is. He picked her up from the side of a dirt road. Ankle: Sprained. Mood: Agitated. Interest: Piqued. Oh, the romance of that balmy summer. Floating on the swell at Sandwater Bay. Eating plump white-flesh nectarines straight from the tree. Singing along to Calvin Harris on the radio. It was a summer fling, nothing more. Until... An off-the-cuff remark from her father tossed them into turmoil. Summer romance over. He met her again a few years later, not by fortune or design, but rather by a twist of fate. Face: Elegantly beautiful. Mood: Indifferent. Interest: Elsewhere. The second chance he never saw coming. He wouldn't drive away this time. Because... One Reluctant Kiss Would Never Be Enough. Welcome to Luka and CeCe's story. Book two in the standalone Reluctant Kiss series.
- | Author: Frances Cowie
- | Publisher: Blue Butterfly Press
- | Publication Date: June 13, 2021
- | Number of Pages: 346 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 0473576759
- | ISBN-13: 9780473576752