Introduction: into the wildness / Gavin Van Horn -- Wisdom of the wild. Wildfire news / Gary Snyder ; Conundrum and continuum: one man's wilderness, from a ditch to the dark divide / Robert Michael Pyle ; No word / Enrique Salmón ; The edge of anomaly / Curt Meine ; Order versus wildness / Joel Salatin ; Biomimicry: business from the wild / Margo Farnsworth ; Notes on "up at the basin" / David J. Rothman -- Working wild. Listening to the forest / Jeff Grignon and Robin Wall Kimmerer ; The working wilderness / Courtney White ; The hummingbird and the redcap / Devon G. Peña ; Losing wildness for the sake of wilderness: the removal of Drakes Bay Oyster Company / Laura Alice Watt ; Inhabiting the Alaskan wild / Margot Higgins ; Wilderness in four parts, or why we cannot mention my great-grandfather's name / Aaron Abeyta -- Urban wild. Wild black margins / Mistinguette Smith ; Healing the urban wild / Gavin Van Horn ; Building the civilized wild / Seth Magle ; Cultivating the wild on Chicago's South Side: stories of people and nature at Eden Place Nature Center / Michael Bryson and Michael Howard ; Toward an urban practice of the wild / John Tallmadge -- Planetary wild. The whiskered god of filth / Rob Dunn ; The akiing ethic: seeking ancestral wildness beyond Aldo Leopold's wilderness / John Hausdoerffer ; On the wild edge in Iceland / Brooke Hecht ; The story isn't over / Julianne Lutz Warren ; Cultivating the wild / Vandana Shiva ; Earth island: prelude to a eutopian history / Wes Jackson ; Epilogue: Wild partnership: a conversation with Roderick Frazier Nash / John Hausdoerffer.