M. Cherif Bassiouni / Human rights and international criminal justice in the twenty first century : the end of the post-WWII phase and the beginning of an uncertain new era -- Thomas A. Cromwell and Bruno Gélinas-Faucher, William Schabas / The Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms, and international human rights law -- Emmanuel Decaux / The International Convention on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, as a victim-oriented treaty --Kathleen Cavanaugh and Joshua Castellino / The politics of sectarianism and its reflection in questions of international law & state formation in The Middle East -- Sandra L. Babcock / International law and the death penalty : a toothless tiger, or a meaningful force for change? -- Marc Bossuyt / The UN optional protocol on the abolition of the death penalty --Christof Heyns and Thomas Probert and Tess Borden / The right to life and the progressive abolition of the death penalty -- Zhao Bingzhi / Progress and trend of the reform of the death penalty in China -- Margaret M. DeGuzman / Criminal law philosophy in international criminal law scholarship -- Frédéric Mégret / Is the ICC focusing too much on non-state actors? -- Shane Darcy / The principle of legality at the crossroads of human rights and international criminal law -- Alain Pellet / Revisiting the sources of applicable law before the ICC -- Mireille Delmas-Marty / The ICC as a work in progress, for a world in process -- Carsten Stahn / Legacy in international criminal justice -- Andrew Clapham and Paola Gaeta / Torture by private actors and 'gold plating' the offence in national law : an exchange of emails in honour of William Schabas -- Hirad Abtahi and Philippa Webb / Secrets and surprises in the Travaux préparatoires of the genocide convention -- Jérémie Gilbert / Perspectives on cultural genocide : from criminal law to cultural diversity -- Beth Van Schaack / Crimes against humanity : repairing Title 18's blind spots -- Leila Nadya Sadat / A new global treaty on crimes against humanity : future prospects -- Mark A. Drumbl / Justice outside of criminal courtrooms and jailhouses -- Charles Chernor Jalloh / Toward greater synergy between courts and truth commissions in post-conflict contexts : lessons from Sierra Leone -- Geoffrey Nice and Nevenka Tromp / Criminal trial as a tool to control historical narrative -- Mary Ellen O'Connell / The arc toward justice and peace -- Adama Dieng / The maintenance of international peace and security through prevention of atrocity crimes : the question of co-operation between the UN and regional arrangements -- Emma Sandon / Law and film : curating rights cinema -- Wayne Jordash / The role of advocates in developing international law -- Diane Marie Amann / Bill the blogger