Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The definitive case-based guide to effectively managing geriatric disorders Geriatric Physical Therapy provides the most authoritative overview available on managing the special needs of the elderly in all health care settings. Through nearly 200 cases, the text offers a skill-building balance of theory and clinical application of knowledge in caring for the older adult population. This timely book addresses and incorporates aspects of prevention, fitness, and wellness into the rehabilitative model of care for elders with and without pathological conditions. Features: Nearly 200 cases examine both acute and chronic stage settings, and provides suggested tests and measures Cases focus on orthopedics and neurology for consistency with board exams, which concentrate in these therapeutic areas Tables and boxes organize and summarize important information and highlight key points for quick reference A well-referenced and scientific approach provides the depth to understand integral processes and procedures