Caustically funny and ebullient stories. . . . Diskis is the kind of voice of which we need more, of which we now have one fewer. But she has paved a subversive path through the forest for others to follow. -- Vanity Fair *Named a Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2017* WITH A PREFACE BY HEIDI JULAVITS, AUTHOR OF THE FOLDED CLOCK The only story collection from the beloved Jenny Diskidarkly funny, subversive, sexy, and eccentric tales from one of the most original and intelligent voices of our time. Jenny Diskis prose is as sharp and steely as her imagination is wild and wondrous. When she died of cancer in April 2016, after chronicling her illness in strikingly honest essays in the London Review of Books, readers, admirers, and critics around the world mourned the loss. In a cool and unflinching tone that came to define her singular voice, she explored the subjects of sex, power, domesticity, femininity, hysteria, and loneliness with humor and honesty, The stories in The Vanishing Princess showcase a rarely seen side of this beloved writer, channeling both the piercing social examination of her nonfiction and the vivid, dreamlike landscapes of her novels. In a Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale turned on its head, a millers daughter rises to power and wealth to rule over her kingdom and outwit the title villain. Bathtime tells the story of a womans life through her attempts to build the perfect bathtub, chasing an elusive moment of peace. In Short Curcuit, the author mines her own bouts in and out of mental institutions outside London to question whether those we think are mad are really the sanest among us. Longtime fans of Diski and those who have discovered her since her death will find much to treasure here, in her only short story collection, released in the US for the very first time. The Vanishing Princess is another vital stop on Jenny Diskis journey for meaning and beauty in her prolific writing, one that feels as fresh and necessary as if it were brand-new.
- | Author: Jenny Diski
- | Publisher: Ecco
- | Publication Date: Jul 28, 2023
- | Number of Pages: 208 pages
- | Language: English
- | Binding: Paperback
- | ISBN-10: 0062685716
- | ISBN-13: 9780062685711